This month sees us launch our new website, branding and blog – so welcome! This is not normally very newsworthy on it’s own, but for us as a marketing agency, it had a little more significance because of the background story.
You see just like a builder with a half-finished renovation at home or a plumber with leaky taps, you can get so busy working for your clients, you forgot to work on your own projects.
We also did no blogging, no social media, no search – basically no marketing of our own. We were advising our clients on what they should be doing, but we weren’t drinking our own champagne or eating our own dog food.
So we finally set out to rectify the situation and this is the result – a site and content that we’re very proud of. We’ve tried to keep it simple, show why we’re different and how we live our vision “to make marketing easier”.
When it comes to blogging, we discovered a unanimous desire to replicate the style of blog that we like most – those that share ideas, thoughts and opinions; cover a variety of topics relating to both business and marketing (since they are so integrally connected); and most importantly are topics that motivate us and grab our attention - in both good and bad ways. We want you to see our passion, and in return we’d love to see like-minded people continue the discussions or want to work with us.
While we’re not out to change the world of marketing, we do have a distinct personality that we hope becomes apparent to the people we work with. Being passionate about the work we do and having the confidence to trust our instincts are themes that have driven our culture and client engagement so far and will continue to evolve as we celebrate our achievements and the outcomes we deliver.
We encourage you to leave a comment, talk to us, challenge us – whatever works for you, as long as you participate. In the end, we’re trying to create some value with this blog which is worth the investment you make in reading it.
We hope you enjoy.